Friday, March 26, 2010

Animal Farm

I liked Animal Farm because it represents events of the Russian Revolution and it also has good memorable characters, but I did not like the ending because it didn't really have one and it wasn't the ending I personally wanted. But it had a good metaphor that you shouldn't become what you try to destroy. I still wished though that the animals would have rebelled against Napoleon and the pigs. I still wonder what happened to Mollie or Snowball, or if Napoleon's children will take after him and become evil or come out good. Maybe one of them will become somewhat like Adolf Hitler and try to get rid of all humans and other animals. Hopefully one day someone will write a sequel. But overall I liked the book because it had good likable characters like Boxer, the cat, Moses, Snowball, and Old Major, but it just didn't have a good ending.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why would animals want to rebel?

I can see why animals would want to rebel would be similar to what Old Major, the boar, said in Animal Farm, that animals on the farm would be overworked and labored for the benefit of the human, and then when the animal was too old to work then they would be slaughtered and be used as food to eat. Also, in the book, the animals are fed bare minimum and given the same food and amount of food everyday. However, I compared the situation to how I feed my cat because she always just gets a bowl of hard cat food and water everyday, yet she hardly ever gets a can of chicken or fish. To the animals the farmer was just being selfish and greedy, and just wanted to keep as much money as he could for himself. But to me I don't feed my cat cans because we simply don't have extra money anymore to buy her cat cans, and if we did have the money we would certainly buy her them. So maybe the farmer would feed the animals more if he had more money, and maybe if he had more money he wouldn't have to kill the animals for food and instead just buy food. However, the animals don't seem to see it that way, or maybe they are right and the farmer just feeds them what they need to survive and still work. Whatever the case I would not know, but I wonder if to animals that when we don't give them treats we don't care about them and just want them for our entertainment similar to the life of a lion or any animal in a zoo. Well I guess it's too bad animals can't speak human and too bad us humans can't speak animal.