Friday, May 21, 2010

This Year

Was pretty interesting. I never thought I'd ever find my way around this school. Although the classes and school are pretty boring, the students have made it fun. However, I do like the atmosphere of lunch and having young teachers makes it feel more alive. Lunch is still ridiculously expensive though. The smart boards and clickers we got later in the year add a nice touch to how we interact in class. I still don't understand the real point of freshmen academy or teams but that'l end next year anyway. Hopefully blogging will too because i personally find it pointless in helping us with our english work. I hate scantrons for some reason and I really hate math warm ups, but the extra credit we get for doing like two problems is nice. Some of the school events like Share Joys was fun since we got to take a break from class. I even went to my first dance at Sadies which was alright, but I never regret going. The best part though was meeting a whole new variety of people and making new friends. Hopefully the next three years are just as good if not better.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Animal Farm

I liked Animal Farm because it represents events of the Russian Revolution and it also has good memorable characters, but I did not like the ending because it didn't really have one and it wasn't the ending I personally wanted. But it had a good metaphor that you shouldn't become what you try to destroy. I still wished though that the animals would have rebelled against Napoleon and the pigs. I still wonder what happened to Mollie or Snowball, or if Napoleon's children will take after him and become evil or come out good. Maybe one of them will become somewhat like Adolf Hitler and try to get rid of all humans and other animals. Hopefully one day someone will write a sequel. But overall I liked the book because it had good likable characters like Boxer, the cat, Moses, Snowball, and Old Major, but it just didn't have a good ending.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why would animals want to rebel?

I can see why animals would want to rebel would be similar to what Old Major, the boar, said in Animal Farm, that animals on the farm would be overworked and labored for the benefit of the human, and then when the animal was too old to work then they would be slaughtered and be used as food to eat. Also, in the book, the animals are fed bare minimum and given the same food and amount of food everyday. However, I compared the situation to how I feed my cat because she always just gets a bowl of hard cat food and water everyday, yet she hardly ever gets a can of chicken or fish. To the animals the farmer was just being selfish and greedy, and just wanted to keep as much money as he could for himself. But to me I don't feed my cat cans because we simply don't have extra money anymore to buy her cat cans, and if we did have the money we would certainly buy her them. So maybe the farmer would feed the animals more if he had more money, and maybe if he had more money he wouldn't have to kill the animals for food and instead just buy food. However, the animals don't seem to see it that way, or maybe they are right and the farmer just feeds them what they need to survive and still work. Whatever the case I would not know, but I wonder if to animals that when we don't give them treats we don't care about them and just want them for our entertainment similar to the life of a lion or any animal in a zoo. Well I guess it's too bad animals can't speak human and too bad us humans can't speak animal.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Power is where you have an advantage over someone, or control of a situation. Power can be maintained by being the strongest, or the smartest against any competitor, and maintaining a strong presence. Power can be lost by thinking you will always be superior, until someone better than you comes and takes it from you. In my life, I hold the most power because my actions shape my future, and no matter what anyone says, I always decide what I do with my life. What makes me, and most other human being powerful is free will. The freedom to make whatever decision we want, and to choose what we think is best for us, and unlike the sense of power that can be lost or taken by someone more powerful, the power of free will is always ours to have, and what we do with it is our choice because in the end no one can force you to do anything you don't want to do, and no one else's actions will have a greater impact on the future of our lives but ours, for free will is absolute power and is held by everyone which makes everyone powerful and gives all of us power.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why do people watch so much TV?

TV is a great source of entertainment, and it can be very addictive. You don't even need statistics to know you watch lots of TV you can just look at your electric bill. Almost everyone more than likely watches TV everyday for hours unless they are very busy with work or school. Lately though, many are starting to wonder if TV is becoming an issue due to those many hours we spend watching it. Some people think that Americans are just becoming lazy just as fast as they are becoming obese. However, The main reason to focus on is that maybe it's just that we all like to take a break from our everyday lives.

There are many possible explanations why people watch so much TV. Some people blame it on all the advertisements you see 3 to 4 times on each show. Many Companies can make lots of money running these advertisements, such as Verizon selling Blackberry and smart phones, or Microsoft selling computer, and video game systems. Another possible cause could be lazyness, since America is becoming an obesity populated country.

However, the big picture is that we all just like to take a breather and a break from our busy everyday lives. Unless your a celebrity, millionaire, or really popular then more than likely your life is probrably boring and repetetive. Most adults with middle class paying jobs do the same routine almost every day out of the week. They get up, get ready for work, go to work and work 8-10 hours, go home tired, and then go to bed exhausted, and then repeat the cycle the next day and then the next. The same could go for high school and college kids, especially if they are very involved with extracurricular activities. Another big reason is the variety of shows that intrigue, encourage, and interest a person's curiousity, perspective, and sense of adventure. All of this you can watch with a press of a button. Not too long ago if you wanted to learn a new cooking recipe then you had to go to the book store and buy a cooking book, any time you felt the need to exercise then you had to drive to the gym and exercise, if you were a huge sports fan then you had to pay for a seat to watch a game, to catch up on global news, issues, or even your local weather you had to go and buy a newspaper, and if you wanted to travel around the world and explore other culture you had to pay money. Today, we can do, see, and watch all these things right in the comfort of our homes. All because of TV.

To conclude, the biggest reason people watch so much TV is that it helps us take a break our everyday working lives. It also can be a great source to learn, do, and see things like new cooking recipes, doing fitness workouts, seeing other peoples' culture, and keeping in touch with world with the news, just by pressing buttons on a remote. All of this is great but this is a main cause for us to watch too much TV. Maybe we should try more in the future to occupy our time with more productive things as opposed to just sitting on the couch watching lots of TV.